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Game on.

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Everything they need
from day one.


Inspired by directors just like you.

A full curriculum for beginners and beyond. Tools and resources straight from the pros.

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Over 170 pages of content.

Designed with new and expert directors in mind.

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Jump right in, no planning required. 

Optimized for homogeneous programs

Content for today's band classrooms because every
instrument and every student
is different. 

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Expertly crafted sequencing

We've filled in the gaps, so you don't have to. 

Instrument/note familiarity
(Week 2)

Sightreading in new keys
(Week 20)

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Dynamic QR-codes

Access hundreds of videos (because not everything can be put into words)

Music Theory Videos

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Sneak Peak
on YouTube

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Pedagogy Videos from the Pros

DLC (Downloadable Content) 

We've packed so much into
The Band Code, but eager students (and teachers) can still access more. 

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(based on 50 minute classes that meet daily)

Year at a glance

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An epic song & reference book

Designed for students of all ages. Useful after the first year and well into college or beyond. 

Full band warm-ups & chorales (10 pages)
Music definitions, theory charts, and more (3 pages)
Scales w/note diagrams & tips from the Pros (7 pages)
Arpeggios w/note diagrams & tips from the Pros (6 pages) Notes and trills charts (2 pages)
Songs (22+ pages)

50+ pages, no filler:

Scales & arpeggios: Reloaded

Unlike anything you've ever seen: diagrams, pitch tendencies, and all the secrets from the pros. 

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Song selection to the max

Songs your students actually want:

Happy Birthday
Twinkle, Twinkle
Tetris Theme
Wheels on the Bus
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Ants Go Marching...
Holiday favorites
and many more...

Plus, songs you know they'll need:

The Star-Spangled Banner
The Washington Post March
Stars and Stripes Forever
and more ceremonial favorites...



Bundle and save!

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The Band Code
Beginning Band Method



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The Band Code
Player's Guide



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The Band Code Bundle
Beginning Band Method+Player's Guide 


Budget breakdown

(based on programs with 150 beginning band students)

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On a limited budget?

We got you covered

The Band Code Lite
features everything you need, packaged
in a stunning
spiral binding.

Music theory & pedagogy work-
sheets are free to download and print. 


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The Band Code Lite
(content only)


The Band Code Lite Bundle
Content+Player's Guide 


How to Order

With so many ways to buy, we've made using The Band Code easier than ever!

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Ready to level up?

Request more info or set up an order below:


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